Kuder is now offering online test preparation that includes customized courses and practice tests that are aligned to specific standardized tests. Through our partnership with Peterson’s, clients using Kuder Navigator® and Kuder Journey® can purchase and access online test preparation resources for the PSAT/NMSQT®, SAT®, ACT®, College Placement Skills Training (CPST) aligned with the Accuplacer, Online Academic Skills Course (OASC) aligned with the ASVAB, and GED, as well as AP practice tests.
“Getting students familiar with the structure and subjects of standardized tests can help them score higher,” said Erin Milroy, chief product officer for Kuder. “So we’re excited to offer Peterson’s test preparation resources as an available option for clients who are looking for ways to help boost students’ college readiness and support the attainment of higher education.”
“We see this as an added benefit that clients can now offer their stakeholders. Whether they’re secondary students prepping for a college entrance exam, adults taking steps to complete or continue their education, or postsecondary students pursuing a graduate degree, students will get the test preparation they need to be successful through our systems” said Beth Wingert, a career coach and professional development instructor for Kuder.
For more information or to add Peterson’s test preparation resources to your license, contact info@kuder.webspecwmh.dev.
Kuder is also making it easier for students to manage their college applications with an available feature in Navigator that enables academic transcript submission via Parchment. Learn more.